DO NOT SKIP this message.
You will receive an email verifying we received your application along with these instructions.

MiMc Music Awards

Thank you for entering this event
exclusively for INDIE Talent in Canada

We can’t wait to hear what you’ve got!

Let’s Get Started…

Register for an account

Submitting your music

To Submit your music and for the security of this event,
you will need to create an account on our adjudication platform
where your adjudicators will access your submission.

Once you have created your account, go to the instructions below for your next steps.

You can skip this part if you already have an account from a previous year.

What happens Next?


  • BEFORE YOU SUBMIT – prepare your file in one of the accepted file formats*
  • *IMPORTANT Video and Audio** file types
  • Failure to follow this step will cause an unsuccessful attempt to upload your music.
  • Video files must follow these naming conventions;  yourname-songtitle-adjudicator.mpg
    • Supported file types include: avi, wmv, mp4, mpg, mov, mpeg, ts, m2ts, mkv, m4v, flv, mxf, ogg, ogv, webm
  • ** Audio files must be converted to mp4;  with the same naming convention yourname-songtitle-adjudicator.mpg
    • Using one photo is throughout the video is absolutely acceptable.
    • There are several Free converters online.
  • SUBMISSIONS must be added before Nov. 5th.

When your file is in the accepted format, email to 

One more step…

Did you choose any of the following adjudications for
Road Ready, Media-Radio Ready, Grant Ready

If so, you will receive an email with the required information to assess and provide an adjudication that will help you improve in each area.

If you have questions please submit your question here.
We’ll answer you within 1 business day.

Ask your Question