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Watch for our early bird entry fee to be delivered to your email in late August,
Before the official registration open day!

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By pre-registering, you can enjoy a significant 25% discount on your profile listing. Whether you’re a business, professional, or individual looking to showcase your musical talents, you can increase your visibility and find connections, collaborations, and business opportunities.

Promo Code: MiMcAward
This code gives you 25% for as long as you have your account.
Offer Expires November 30 2024

Pre-registering not only grants you a discounted profile listing but also provides a special offer of 25% off our digital marketing services. With this opportunity, you can maximize your exposure at an incredibly reduced rate.

Contact us on this page with this promo code: MiMcDigital
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Pre-registrants also enjoy a discount on qualified advertising promotions in our digital magazine. Our magazine offers a wide readership and serves as an excellent platform for promoting your songs. By pre-registering, you have the opportunity to secure discounted advertising space, ensuring that your message reaches a wider music audience.

50% Promo Code: MiMcAD
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1. Non-offensive and respectful content. We do not accept content that is sexually explicit, disparaging, discriminatory, offensive, or other inappropriate content, at the discretion of Music in Motion Canada.

2. Music-related content. Our digital magazine solely focuses on music-related topics, thus, yours will as well. Content can be songs or artist promotions, and business or services. Accepted content will be at the discretion of Music in Motion Canada.

3. All content will go through an approval process to ensure it aligns with the Music in Motion Canada standards and brand. Music in Motion Canada reserves the right to decline content.

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